Facelift Surgery

Enjoy The Confidence By Facelift Surgery in Bangalore At An Affordable Cost

It is rightly said a person’s face is their fortune, and the face is the canvas that displays all emotions. As a person ages, the face loses its natural-toned appearance. The first visible signs of aging appear on the face and the neck in the form of loose skin and tissues.

Now, you can reverse the signs of aging with the best facelift surgery in Bangalore at Tara Healtcare. Learn about the surgery and the facelift surgery cost in Bangalore, India, from our surgeons

Before / After

As one can see in this picture, these changes are pretty evident.

These transformations are partly because of loss of skin texture, reduction in volume due to loss of subcutaneous tissue, gravity, smoking, hereditary factors, and the effects of sun damage and pollutants.

A facelift is the last in a series of procedures designed to counteract these effects and correct these tell-tale signs of aging. A facelift surgery in Bangalore at Tara Healthcare results in a lifted, fresh, and rested facial appearance.

What is a Facelift Surgery?

A facelift or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure to tighten, lift, and reposition the drooping facial skin and underlying facial tissues to restore a youthful look. Sagging of the forehead skin, drooping of cheek fat, prominent nasolabial folds (crease between the cheek and the lip), and jowls (skin folds hanging by the sides of the jaws) are all the indications of facial aging. Some individuals even develop neck folds, also called a “turkey neck,” corrected with a neck lift.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Facelift Procedure?

Face lifting surgery in Bangalore is for you-

Facelift Surgery Surgery Process

After reassessing the patient, the facelift surgeon at Tara Healthcare marks the facial areas that need correction.

The patient receives general anesthesia or intravenous sedation for comfort during surgery. Our surgeons make incisions in inconspicuous areas and natural folds in front of the ear, behind the earlobe, and within the hairline.

A traditional facelift involves raising the skin flaps right from the ears to the lips and pulling the skin up and back. Simultaneously, they manipulate the SMAS, the thin muscular layer under the skin, to help tighten it and place it for a youthful contour. The excess skin is excised and removed. This maneuver tightens the facial and neck skin and eliminates the deep folds for a smooth and contoured facial appearance.

Incisions are closed with sutures that either dissolve or are removed after a few days. Then dressings and a pressure garment are applied to aid healing.

Recovery from Face Lift Surgery

Post facelift surgery, the care is critical as the patients have tremendous swelling and may even have their eyes shut because of the swelling. Most of the swelling subsides by the first week. Still, the numbness and tingling sensation may persist till about 4 to 6 months after the procedure.

The patient must also wear pressure garments and supports to keep the skin and tissues in their new position. As the swelling goes down and things settle, the patient will better appreciate the results.

Facelifts require a lot of cooperation from patients as they have to go through the waiting time till the swelling subsides and numbness settles down. Also, they have to refrain from smoking at least ten days in advance and 15 days postoperatively to prevent complications like skin necrosis. Patients need proper skin care after the procedure for better results and maintenance.

The results of the procedure are long-lasting. However, the effects of gravity and aging take a toll over a while, and the jowls/sagging skin may recur. We advise our patients to adopt non-surgical face rejuvenation treatments to maintain the results for an extended period.

Risks Associated with a Facelift Surgery

Immediate complications after the facelift procedure include bleeding, infection, and wound gape. Another significant complication is the risk of nerve injuries. Bleeding may need evacuation in the operation theatre, and infection is treated conservatively. Wound gape may require re-suturing in rare instances.

Nerve injuries can occur due to extensive dissection involved and the proximity of the superficial nerves of the face, even though every care is taken to prevent such an incident. Most of them usually recover spontaneously within 3-6 months if they occur. Though these are rare, they are known to occur.

Very rarely, the nerve may be cut, in which case a re-exploration and nerve repair may have to be done.

Skin necrosis is another dreaded complication though rare. The skin at the edges may die because of lack of circulation, more commonly seen in diabetics and smokers. Patients may need skin grafting with a resultant scar if it occurs.

Late complications of a facelift can be scar hypertrophy, which the surgeons must treat on its merits to try and reduce. Also, patients can see hair loss in the suture line, which we can treat with hair transplants.

What is the Facelift Surgery Cost in Bangalore, India?

The cost of facelift surgery in Bangalore is dependent on several factors. The technique used, the extent of facelift performed (complete facelift, mini facelift, or MACs facelift), the expertise of the surgeon, associated procedures, surgical facilities, anesthesia, etc., play a role here.

Our surgeons at Tara Healtcare will give you an estimate once you send in your pictures for an initial evaluation. However, you can get the accurate facelift price only after a thorough consultation with our surgeons. We offer the best facelift surgery in Bangalore at competitive prices with no hidden costs.

Nerve injuries can occur due to extensive dissection involved and the proximity of the superficial nerves of the face, even though every care is taken to prevent such an incident. Most of them usually recover spontaneously within 3-6 months if they occur. Though these are rare, they are known to occur.

Very rarely, the nerve may be cut, in which case a re-exploration and nerve repair may have to be done.

Skin necrosis is another dreaded complication though rare. The skin at the edges may die because of lack of circulation, more commonly seen in diabetics and smokers. Patients may need skin grafting with a resultant scar if it occurs.

Late complications of a facelift can be scar hypertrophy, which the surgeons must treat on its merits to try and reduce. Also, patients can see hair loss in the suture line, which we can treat with hair transplants.


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